Saturday, February 7, 2009


"Try Giving Your Employer (or your teacher) What You Give God And
See How Long You Last."

~ Paul Washer ~
HeartCry Missionary Society

DEEP Girls,

As you know, we've begun our simplified and swift inductive overview of James' letter to the Bride of Christ.

You are to be reading through the five chapters of James each week, and this particular week examine a cluster of verses on the same topic in Chapter 2. For example, chapter 2 deals with the topics of favortism and faith without deeds is dead. Choose a topic and do a simplified inductive study on it. Key verse. Key words. Interpret. Apply. Remember to use, your concordance, and a bible dictionary. Please come prepared Monday to discuss what God taught you through His Word this week and some of your 'I Will' statements. Bring your filled out study chart.


Take time before Monday to watch this YouTube clip on why it is important to study the bible objectively - not subjectively. This past Monday I made a shocking statement to some of you - it is not 'what this passage means to me/you', but 'what is God actually saying in this passage?' This below YouTube clip will help to explain my statement.

Because our time in James needs to be swift, I will be sending you e-handouts that will help to augment the neglected content of each chapter of James. For example: James 1:27 is the last verse in James 1. It ends with a profound statement overlooked and understudied in today's Youth Culture - even in otherwise well-meaning, bible teaching Youth programs. "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."


If we were afforded the luxury of really studying James for all it's worth, we could reasonably spend weeks on this portion of verse 27 alone!

"Worldliness is destroying the church of Jesus Christ. The time is thus right for us to biblically expose and condemn worldliness, and to promote the alternatives of genuine piety and holiness."

~ Joel Beeke ~

This above (gracegems) website offers you a treasure of information on what it means to be stained by the world, or worldly. I highly recommend you spend some time reading these doctrinal (teaching) jewels.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from this site:

There is a common worldly kind of Christianity in this day,
which many have, and think they have enough.

This cheap Christianity . . .
offends nobody,
requires no sacrifice,
costs nothing,
and is worth - - nothing!

~ JC Ryle ~

A Worldly Christianity?

(by Octavius Winslow, "Morning Thoughts")

"Do not be conformed to this world." Romans 12:2

"Professor of the gospel! guard against the world; it is your undoing! Watch against conformity to it . . . in your dress, in your mode of living, in the education of your children, in the principles, motives, and policy that govern you.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by . . . any known inconsistency of conduct, any sinful conformity to the world, any inordinate pursuit of . . . its wealth, its honors, its pleasures, its friendships, and its great things.

Pray against the sin of covetousness, that canker worm that feeds at the root of so many souls!

Pray against the love of dress, that sin that diverts the mind of so many professors from the simplicity of Christ, and takes the eye off from the true adornment!

Pray against a thirst for light and trifling reading, that strange and sinful inconsistency of so many, the certain tendency of which is to starve the life of God in the soul, to engender a distaste for spiritual nourishment, for the Word of God, for holy meditation, and for Divine communion and fellowship. Yes, pray against the spirit of worldly, sinful conformity in everything!

Reader! are you a professing Christian? Then guard against a worldly Christianity—a Christianity that wears a fair exterior, so far as it is composed of church attendance, but which excludes from it the cross of the meek and lowly Lamb of God—a Christianity which loves the world and the things of the world, "makes a fair show in the flesh," speaks well of Christ, and yet betrays Him with a kiss. Oh, awful state! oh, fearful deception! oh, fatal delusion!

The world is the sworn enemy of your Savior; let it not be your friend. No; come out of it, and be separate."

Is the Lord bringing to mind some of your own worldliness? Is the Lord pricking your conscience as to some worldly associations and friendships you continue to seek out, spend time with, and savor? Come to class Monday prepared to talk about worldliness.

TITUS 2:11-13 esv
11For(A) the grace of God(B) has appeared, bringing salvation(C) for all people, 12training us to renounce ungodliness and(D) worldly passions, and(E) to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in(F) the present age, 13(G) waiting for our blessed(H) hope, the(I) appearing of the glory of our great(J) God and Savior Jesus Christ,

Persevere girls!

Serving His Kingdom Here and Now ~

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